Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lions, LEDs and Solar Panels....

How does efficient technology affect the rest of the world?  Check out the following story-   This 13 year old  African boy who was responsible for taking care of his family's cattle had a problem with lions attacking the herd.  Using the solar panel the family used for their home, an old car battery, and the LEDs from some broken flashlights, he rigged a system to emulate someone walking the property at night.  The lions equate the moving lights with humans and stay away.

This is truly a great innovation using parts that were not even available a few short years ago.  By promoting energy efficient and green technologies ourselves, we increase the demand, and make those technologies more commonplace and cheaper. Through our support of social justice projects, such as low cost solar to developing countries, we create a better life for others and make this type of innovation is possible.

How are you impacting the world?  What ripple effects will you start today by supporting energy efficient technologies?


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