Recently, 33 U.S. and International companies have signed a Climate Declaration stating that they will work together to combat climate change. Regardless of politics, they have taken a stand to coordinate efforts, in order to become leaders in protecting the environment.
"We cannot risk our kids' futures on the false hope that the vast majority of scientists are wrong." They plan on "doing this right, by saving money when we use less electricity, by driving more efficient cars, by choosing clean energy, [and] by creating new technologies that other countries buy..."
Does this sound good to you? Are you already on board with some of these efforts? You too, as an individual can sign this pledge and show your support for combating climate change. According to recent studies by scientists and economists, Climate inaction is more expensive than responding to the potential threat now. The total cost to benefit ratio supports action now to change our activities, and destructive nature. Check out the recap of the study with supporting information HERE.
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