Thursday, July 5, 2012

Beach Water Quality

      So why does everyone say that controlling the water runoff from your property is important?  One reason is because it affects the quality of the water that is all around us.  Anything that you put on your lawn or garden such as fertilizers or pesticides, or even animal waste gets caught in the runoff and acts at pollutants.  Where does the runoff go?  In most cases sewer and stormwater are combined together.  Typically they are treated at a wastewater treatment plant before being further released into the environment.  Often, however, that combined wastewater is released untreated during a stormwater overflow.  The untreated water makes its way to our rivers, streams and Bay.
     All around the country this affects us when we go to the beach.  Some beaches have such poor water quality that swimmers can become sick from the pollutants.  The Natural Resources Defense Council recently released a report giving the status of many beaches around the country.  Samples were taken and then beaches were rated based on the amount of pollutants found.  Among the best rated beaches for minimal pollutants included beaches in Ocean City, MD and Dewey Beach, DE.  Below, you can find links to the report and a more specific link to the quality of specific beaches in Maryland.
     Please do your part to control what goes into our water, and help us minimize the pollutants.  It is not just the environment that you are keeping healthy, but your neighbors as well.

NRDC Testing Report

Maryland Beachwater Quality

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