Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Did You Know....?

Did you know that last year, Ark and Dove purchased a whole building lighting upgrade?  Through a program offered by BG&E, we were able to change all of the older style tube fluorescents to a new more energy efficient version.  At the same time we had motion sensor switches installed in most rooms, which will automatically turn off the lights when you leave.  The BGE program paid for 80% of this upgrade, and our out of pocket expenses were only about $1700.  So why is this a good deal?  Because we will save about $100 per month in electricity costs, even if our usage remains the same.  This green effort will pay for itself in 18 months, and we will continue to have lower electricity costs.
What is next on the list?  First, would be a renovation of the parking lot lights.  At 400W each, those units use quite a bit of electricity each night.  I would be great to upgrade those to LED versions, and cut that electricity usage as well.
Do you have an idea of ways we can be green and save money at the same time?  Let us know!

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