Friday, January 27, 2012

Do you Recycle?

Do you recycle?  How much do you recycle?  Anne Arundel county has a goal for you to recycle at least 50% of all of you waste. The county has figured out that while it cost money to put things in the landfill, they can make money by selling recyclables.  The county recycling website states that,"the money earned from recyclables is used to defray the cost of curbside collection and waste disposal."  

In the Odenton area, we recycle about of our waste 35%, and in Crofton about 46%.  We do pretty good as a whole, but it is so easy to do better.  Anne Arundel County is one of the easiest places around to recycle.  There is no sorting required, they will give you as many recycling bins as you want, and they take just about anything.  Do you need more bins?  Just go down to the Millersville landfill on the other side of Rt 32, and ask-- they will be happy to give you what you need. 

If you need another excuse to recycle, remember that in June of 2012, Anne Arundel county will move to a once a week trash collection. So take all of your paper and cardboard, all of your plastic containers (and even kids toys), all of your cans, aluminum foil, and old pans, any type of glass product you have, and even your yard waste, and make sure that it goes into your recycling containers and not your trash bag.  Reduce, reuse, recycle.  This is an easy way to take care of our environment.

If you want more information, or have questions, check out the link to the right for Anne Arundel county recycling.  Stay tuned for future posts about an alternative to recycling-- Freecyling!

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